신라금속은 최고의 제품과 기술력으로 혁신을 이끌어갑니다

We are almost the only supplier of propulsion for the Korean navy and Korean coast guards and we also have records of propulsion sales to other foreign naval forces around the world.

    SILLA METAL Co., Ltd. manufactures custom-made propellers appropriate for each variety of vessels including container vessels, bulk vessels, cruise ships, and special vessels based on our long years of experience.

  • - FPP : We are equipped with accurate equipments specialized for propeller manufacture for the production of propellers optimally designed for your vessels.
  • - CPP : We produce controllable pitch propeller with high accuracy and stability
34, NOKSANSANDAN 17-RO 14BEON-GIL, GANGSEO-GU, BUSAN, 618817, KOREA TEL: +82-51-831-5991~8 l FAX: +82-51-831-5990